SUPPORTER's Final Conference

4-5 June 2025

Prague, Charles University 

Sport has long been a powerful platform for promoting fair play, integrity, and inclusion (Opstoel et al., 2020). However, despite its positive potential, challenges persist. Gender-based violence remains a concern both on the field and within educational environments linked to sports (Alsarve & Strand, 2023). Additionally, systemic gender inequalities continue to limit access, recognition, and safe spaces for athletes, coaches, professionals and students, highlighting the pressing need for strategic and coordinated efforts.  

Implementing inclusive gender equality plans (GEPs) is a transformative approach to addressing these issues. When successfully implemented, this policy instrument transforms organizational processes, cultures, and structures within sports and other fields. GEPs not only promote gender equality but also bring tangible benefits to both individuals and organizations by creating environments where everyone can thrive.  

Over the past years, the SUPPORTER project has supported sports higher education institutions in Central Eastern Europe in designing and implementing inclusive GEPs. The knowledge and insights gained from this journey will be showcased at the project's Final Conference on June 4–5, 2025, which aims to foster awareness, collaboration, and action. 

The conference unfolds in two distinct yet interconnected parts, each addressing a crucial aspect of gender equality in sports:

Day 1: June 4 – Raising awareness on gender equality in sports

This session highlights the importance of tackling gender inequality and addressing gender-based violence within sports ecosystems, including higher education. It seeks to empower participants with a deeper understanding of these pressing issues by fostering dialogue and reflection.

  • Target audience: Students, staff, and local stakeholders in the sports field.

Day 2: June 5 – Advancing Inclusive Gender Equality Plans

This full-day session centres on SUPPORTER's 4I-GEP framework. It aims to inspire knowledge exchange and collaboration, offering practical insights for developing and implementing inclusive GEPs tailored to sports and higher education environments.

  • Target audience: Stakeholders responsible for designing and executing gender equality plans in higher education.