Welcome to SUPPORTER, SecUring sPORTs Education thRough innovative and inclusive Gender Equality Plans

SUPPORTER, “SecUring sPORTs Education thRough innovative and inclusive Gender Equality Plans”, is an EU-funded project running from April 2023 until September 2025. It aims to support eight sports higher education institutions from Central and Eastern Europe in developing their own intersectional, innovative, inclusive and impactful Gender Equality Plans, explicitly addressing gender-based violence and sexual harassment.

Latest news

Sara Sjöström: a Swedish long standing world champion swimmer

The SUPPORTER Olympic Women's campaign celebrates notable women athletes from our partner countries who have proudly represented or ...
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Czech Biathlon Legend Advocates for Mental Health and Resilience 

    Gabriela Soukalová is a former Czech national biathlete, overall successful as:    2015-16 Biathlon World Cup ...
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Integrating intersectionality in Gender Equality Plans 

Mutual Learning Workshop  June 13-14, 2024  Thessaloniki  For one day and a half, the SUPPORTER consortium met in ...
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Inspiring road of Bosnian-Herzegovinian swimmer Lana Pudar  

    Young and talented Bosnian-Herzegovinian swimmer Lana Pudar inspires many young athletes worldwide. Born on 19 January ...
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New SUPPORTER deliverable: report on the design of the institutional roadmaps 

SUPPORTER has released a report outlining the development and implementation of institutional roadmaps to advance gender equality within ...
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#InclusionForEquality: embracing diversity through inclusive GEPs

In celebration of World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 2024, sister projects AGRIGEP, BUDGET-IT, NEXUS ...
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Sport Education institutions


Expert Partners



from across Central and Eastern Europe but also Western Europe, the Caucasus, Scandinvavia


Innovative Gender Equality Plans

Our game plan

Through team work, a well designed strategy, established methods and techniques SUPPORTER strives to reach the wider sports ecosystem in the CEE region and in the long run contribute to wide societal changes when to comes to Gender Equality.

On the ground, this will translate into:


8 Gender Equality Plans for Sports Education Institutions that also address gender based-violence


Gender + equality and gender based-violence policies and practices in the field of sport education


Mutual learning: development of training and mentoring-monitoring scheme



Identify systemic challenges

Develop mutual-learning processes activities

Strengthen organisational capacity

Foster an inclusive institutional culture

Strengthen networking and exchange

Foster institutional changes

Focus on gender-based violence

Contact us

Project coordinator: European Science Foundation


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European UnionThe contents of this website reflect the view of the ESF. The views expressed on the website do not necessarily reflect the views of the EC. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094529


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